Oral Health

Your oral health is the health of your teeth, gums and entire oral-facial system that allows you to smile, talk and eat your food – and it directly effects your overall health.

At Forest Heights Dental, we want you to have the best, regular care and the most usable knowledge about how to take care of your oral health while you're away. Talk to us today about best practices for your health!

Oral Health in Little Rock, Arkansas

Your oral health is the health of your teeth, gums and entire oral-facial system that allows you to smile, talk and eat your food – and it directly effects your overall health.

At Forest Heights Dental, we want you to have the best, regular care and the most usable knowledge about how to take care of your oral health while you're away. Talk to us today about best practices for your health!


Oral Health Problems in Adults include the Following:

Untreated Tooth Decay & Erosion

Dry Mouth

Gum Disease

Tooth Loss

Oral Cancer

Chronic Diseases

Untreated Tooth Decay & Erosion

Dry Mouth

Gum Disease

Tooth Loss

Oral Cancer

Chronic Diseases

How Can You Maintain Your Oral Health?

Practice good oral hygiene. It takes more than a biannual checkup to maintain the health of your mouth and body. Learn more about the best oral hygiene practices and how to implement them into your day here.

What Vitamins Strengthen Your Tooth Enamel?

  • Calcium is one of the most important minerals for healthy teeth because it strengthens your enamel. Sure, you may know that dairy products are a great source of calcium, but so are leafy greens, beans, and almonds.
  • Vitamin D is doubly important because not only does it boost mineral density, it also helps absorb, carry, and deposit calcium in the bones that support your teeth. Some dairy products and cereal are fortified with vitamin D, but you can also get it naturally from the sun.
  • Phosphorus plays a critical role in dental health because it naturally protects and rebuilds tooth enamel. The best sources of phosphorus can be found in protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, and eggs.
  • Vitamin A is a key nutrient in keeping your gums healthy as well as building tooth enamel. Most foods with vitamin A are orange—making it easy to remember that sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and carrots are all vitamin A powerhouses.
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